Rachel and I have ditched 317 things this weekend – so far.
All of them were trashed, burned, donated, put in boxes for Daisy to sell, or given away to charity.
Plus, innumerable old papers and trash were disposed of without being counted.
Weekend Makeover style!
We’re tired of junk and are working towards minimalism. I believe it will help us have more time to be creative and more time for each other, as well as less stress.
When we bought our house it was chock-full of stuff already, much of it quite nice. There’s a lot we need to sell and give away, and then there’s plenty more of our own stuff that could be pared down.
A household of 12 gets filled quickly without eternal vigilance. Some of the kids got rid of things too – at least 100 between them.
Now we have at least 417 less things to bug us, and what we have left is more accessible and easier to use.