We saved $300 off list for our DR DRY pro. So easy to use. Gardening in Tennessee has slowed. So we are working a 3rd garden bed for another 1500 sq ft. It still has some sedge grass. So i hit it with a bag and 1/2 of slow release lime and some 13-13-13. The spot next to it got the Dave’s/Steve’s mix. So I’m gonna have to treat this too. It’s going to be our psedo grain experiment garden. I’m doing beds of amaranth, grain sorgum, and anything else i can find or get reccomended. Having front yard and back yard beds should let us do 2 different pumpkin varieies. Love the Tromboncino for fresh eating (no vine borers) but we need a storage and eating pumpkin. Along with separating the sweet and hot peppers and the paste from the tiny salad tomato.
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We saved $300 off list for our DR DRY pro. So easy to use. Gardening in Tennessee has slowed. So we are working a 3rd garden bed for another 1500 sq ft. It still has some sedge grass. So i hit it with a bag and 1/2 of slow release lime and some 13-13-13. The spot next to it got the Dave’s/Steve’s mix. So I’m gonna have to treat this too. It’s going to be our psedo grain experiment garden. I’m doing beds of amaranth, grain sorgum, and anything else i can find or get reccomended. Having front yard and back yard beds should let us do 2 different pumpkin varieies. Love the Tromboncino for fresh eating (no vine borers) but we need a storage and eating pumpkin. Along with separating the sweet and hot peppers and the paste from the tiny salad tomato.
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