Goodbye, beloved homestead… I’m off to South Florida!
Farewell, North Florida Food Forest!
written by David The Good
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Goodbye, beloved homestead… I’m off to South Florida!
Hard to say good-bye but as one door closes another opens. As I live in SW FL, south of Sarasota, I’m looking forward to your new homestead/food forest posts.
Thank you. It was a lot easier to say goodbye knowing that the new owner loves food forests.
If they were going to mow it flat, I would have been miserable… and probably wouldn’t have sold to begin with.
Where are you moving to–?
Ft. Lauderdale
Ft. Lauderdale, are you sure you know what you are getting into? I just looked and there are 3-5 gay bath houses in the city. Maybe you where not joking about Dav Labon meeting my ex Butch Cohen-Goldsteinheim. Gays have been migrating from South Beach to Ft. Lauderdale because of non Asian minorities attacking them. Since Versace was killed in 1997 there is not a cheap place for young gays to stay in South Beach.
If you are selling organic food you will end up running into a lot, and remember what I said about how many gays try to prove their manliness by being mean to waiters and servers. If you sell plants that die because someone vomited booze and drugs on them they will be coming back for refunds.
You wont be able to survive the SFTF unless you have some place to flee to, even if you bought enough land to survive off of in the area you would need 20′ high walls with razor wire on top.
I used to be a member of the Broward Art Guild – I’m familiar with the crazy culture here. It’s my home town. Heck, I’ve been yelled at for some of my bumper stickers. You get used to it and learn where not to hang out.
Be ready to explain why buying only male mulberry trees isn’t a good idea.
That’s funny.
I might have to write “BigGaySteve’s Guide to Dealing With His Petulant Ex Boyfriends”. Chapter 1 How To Bitchslap Without Leaving Marks- don’t date more than one guy named Mark at the time, but seriously most of Gay South Beach moved to Ft Lauderdale. I wouldn’t want to be living there when the pendulum swings back.
Sounds like you spend alot of time thinking about gay men.
I am actually the gay conservative that posts at Vox Day& also have seen David posting on Permies. My bf and I fled a die verse city for a Whitopia in case the US collapses. The food stamp system going down in 16 states for 8 hours on 10-12-2013 had massive chimp outs of blacks that you can still see on youtube, which was a wake up call. I personally wouldn’t want to be in Ft Lauderdale when the pendulum swings back or the SHTF.
There are a few gun toting gays that don’t want western civilization to be destroyed but not many
Welcome (back) to Broward! Did you find land or is it postage stamp permaculture? Look forward to your new adventures and experiments.
Postage stamp for now – I’m tending The Great South Florida Food Forest Project. Man, these tropical trees are looking good!
All the best to you and your family, David. Can’t wait to visit you all down South- my MIL lives in Sebastian. Maybe we’ll see you at the next Florida Permaculture Convergence?
I have to admit, I didn’t think the farewell video would be more than a walk through the forest. Wow!! Glad you made the video, I got a lot of ideas from it, and have spent most of the day today in my forest making some changes. I have to watch it again, and probably again to get more out of it. So happy you are moving on as planned. See you soon!
Your knowledge truly is priceless!
David, if you get a larger plot of land on which to experiment I hope you will consider making it a team effort. I think there may be a few of us in SE Florida that would jump at the chance to pitch in, and learn a thing or two along the way. I was recently listening to a prepper podcast about the host having people over to help with some of his projects, followed by a couple hours of sharing info and experiences concerning growing things in the region. Swapping seeds and cuttings would be good too. Just my 2 cents….. And if you got a nursery up and running with your unique touch and selection that would be pretty awesome, too.
And BGS, easy now. Not everyone is on the same page with your posting and history at another web page.
Thank you, Neil.
Yeah no kidding… I googled a bit and now I’m confused. Not that kind of confused.
What town was the old property located? You said on the edge of zone 7 I think. I want to compare your area to the mine (near Daytona Beach, inland).
You’d be warmer than me. I was in Anthony, FL – border of zone 8 and 9, before they arbitrarily moved that zone north with the new USDA zone map. You’re in a good place.
David, I just moved to Anthony last year from Pembroke Pines. South Florida is so expensive and full of crime, that’s why we left. I love it here and I am growing lots of trees partly thanks to your articles in the Ag Mag and You Tube. I gotta admit that I miss my 3 mango trees, jaboticaba, star fruit, chocolate pudding fruit and star fruit trees.
Congratulations, Janis. Anthony is wonderful. You’re right, though, the lack of mangoes is sad, sad, sad.
I am glad you moved I am in Ocklawaha from Maine and it sucks here the rebels and there flags , so i put my Quebec flag on moose horns that we got from my daughter winning the moose lottery. I am sick of being called a “YANKEE” hell the south lost the war .. come on people .. where is equality we can learn from each other if we were more open minded I could less if someone is gay , purple, blue or brown just treat me the way I treat you with kindness and acceptance and i will treat you the same as a human being trying to make our world a kind, giving knowledge and educating.
I am impressed with David the Goods trying new techniques and pushing the limits in zones where you do not think something will grow, I have succeeded this in Maine and I hope Florida in the Ockalawa area but I am ready to move else where in FL near gulf coast. I just wanted to say thank you for your good reads.
We’re proud of our Confederate heritage in Florida. Yes, we lost the war but the good guys often lose. Yankees invaded and killed Southerners, burning our homes and trashing our cities, raping the women and crushing our independence. We had the right to leave but you people wouldn’t let us. If you don’t understand why real Floridians get angry about Yankees, you need to go back.
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