The new survival gardener group we created back in June has been a great success so far.
Our in-depth food forest course has been praised, the live zoom streams have been popular, and the community is hopping.
A couple of YouTube commenters complained about the cost (which is less than the price most people spend on fast food in a day).
What I have come to realize is that people who complain about the cost of education aren’t going to do anything with it anyways.
They tend to be the kind of people that say you should do this and you should do that, but don’t actually do anything themselves. My gardening methods and advice have saved many people a lot of time, effort, and money.
It is better serving a small community well than burning out trying to please everyone. The content I am making over there is awesome and ad-free. In our community, I can help people get started immediately and answer questions as they arise.
Come and join us if you know it’s time to get serious about your gardening.suomalaiset kasinot
If I pay for a membership will you tell me where I can get those air potatoes you’re always showing off in your videos? Lol. I’m in north Texas and I garden in the suburbs. My neighbors are all putting in pools and I’m over here hacking the irrigation system to water my gardens. If Nike hadn’t already coined the slogan “just do it” I would say that’s your gardening style. You have inspired me to “just go for it” and not over plan.
P.S. While going through the thousand browser tabs I’ve left open I rediscovered this one and thought maybe you or your kids would enjoy building one of the contraptions in the article. I had fresh pressed olive oil once and I still dream about it…. No olive oil anywhere can compare to it. I hope to plant an olive tree one day and was looking up oil presses. There’s also plans for a little winnowing box that hooks up to a shopvac.
That is funny. We already have some Texas gardeners in the group. I suppose Scrubfest III in North Florida is too much of a drive for you, but we’ll have some there for members.
Thank you for the link!
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