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Doug RingerMarch 15, 2024 - 8:17 am
I’d never heard of Alas Babylon until you mentioned it in a book. Reading it now and loving it. Thank you.
Also, I’d given up gardening because of all of the many “right” ways to do it. You are a breath of common sense in a world of marketing driven complexification.
David The GoodMarch 15, 2024 - 8:41 am
Thank you, Doug. That is one of the best novels I’ve ever read.
Just ordered both books. I find newer science fiction “less real” than old. Have you ever read Vonnegut’s “Player Piano”? or Butler’s “Erehwon”, anybody?
David The GoodMarch 20, 2024 - 7:54 am
I haven’t read either of those. But the new stuff really isn’t great.
I can certainly recommend both (Erehwon is particularly interesting considering is was published in 1872) (Player Piano in 1952). It’s been years since I read either, but I still ponder them quite often. I’ve read recent Sci Fi, but barely remember the titles!
[…] post Theory appeared first on The Survival […]
I’d never heard of Alas Babylon until you mentioned it in a book. Reading it now and loving it. Thank you.
Also, I’d given up gardening because of all of the many “right” ways to do it. You are a breath of common sense in a world of marketing driven complexification.
Thank you, Doug. That is one of the best novels I’ve ever read.
Just ordered both books. I find newer science fiction “less real” than old. Have you ever read Vonnegut’s “Player Piano”? or Butler’s “Erehwon”, anybody?
I haven’t read either of those. But the new stuff really isn’t great.
I can certainly recommend both (Erehwon is particularly interesting considering is was published in 1872) (Player Piano in 1952). It’s been years since I read either, but I still ponder them quite often. I’ve read recent Sci Fi, but barely remember the titles!
Okay, back outside to move that compost pile…
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