We have a new challenge over at Skool, that will help you grow like never before.
Here’s what I posted there:
CHALLENGE: Grow 500lbs of produce by August 1st. Challenge starts on February 3rd.
This isn’t as hard as you might think, though it isn’t that easy either! Are you ready to get serious about hauling in the groceries? This is your chance.
NOTE: Produce /cannot/ come from existing trees/shrubs, and must be annuals. (Don’t worry, food foresters, we’ll have another food forest challenge.) Also, we know certain plants are techincally perennials, like tomatoes, peppers and sweet potatoes, but they are normally grown as annuals, which is what is important. It just means you can’t just go to the tree out back that Granddad planted and pick 500lbs of pears – this challenge is a GROW YOUR OWN FROM SCRATCH challenge!
As an additional hurdle, this challenge ends on August 1st. That means most of you cain’t stack no deck with no big-ol’ dang 100lb watermelons or VW-sized pumpkins unless you got a big greenhouse.
Also, for this challenge, you’ll need a weigh station. See attached pictures for inspiration.
This is a challenge to make all of us better, and there will be prizes, so keeping accurate records is important to see if you made it. We’re trusting you.
The first five gardeners to reach the goal will get $100 gift certificates to Daisy’s Good Gardens Nursery.
All the rest who reach the goal will get a signed copy of “Minimalist Gardening.”
The price per month to be a part of the community is equivalent to eating out one time. You will grow hundreds in produce, making it quite cheap in the long run. I’m helping everyone get started. If you’re struggling in gardening, sign up! We have hours of video, a plant swap, direct help from me, and more. And it’s a lot of fun.