The food of immortality… ambrosia of the gods… the key to eternal youth…
Only one food can make the claim that it halts aging forever.
Behold the breathtaking agelessness of a McDonald’s immortal hamburger!
Yes, the McDonald’s hamburger halts aging forever… its own aging!
There’s something magical about that, isn’t there?
That burger has inspired many. Photographer Sally Davies has even done a multi-year series on the never-aging McDonald’s hamburger called “The Happy Meal Project.”
Most people I know will eat at McDonald’s, at least upon occasion and take their children there.
Yet… this isn’t food. It’s a miracle of science.
The grand promises of modernism… a shiny, sexy utopia with flying cars, moon bases and pretty girls in miniskirts… haven’t panned out. The marvelous efficiency of McDonald’s hamburgers is really just another failure to feed either our bodies or our souls.
The hamburger was invented a little over a century ago.
“1889 was the year that the word “hamburger” made its American media debut, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. (On Jan. 5, 1889, the Walla Walla Union in Washington included “hamburger steak” in a list of then-current menu items.) This first of a new series on classic American foods pays tribute to the first hundred years of a great culinary creation with a look at the burger’s hotly disputed history, its claims to fame and its future.
More American than apple pie (which came from England with the colonists), the hamburger spread from its birthplace, the restaurant kitchen, to home kitchens and backyard grills all over America, and from America throughout the world.” (1)
Of course, a century ago, a hamburger wouldn’t have been immortal.
It would have a freshly baked bun, made from organic bread
No GMOs, no RoundUp(TM), no high-gluten modern wheat.
The beef would have been free range and grass-fed
No hormones, no antibiotics, no factory farms.
Any sauces would have been organic, without hydrogenated oils and high-fructose corn syrup
Even the pickles would be a living food: live-fermented in a barrel and packed with beneficial organisms.
Our modern food system is insane – and our families are paying for it.
And McDonald’s is Just a Piece of the Picture
If you send your children to the public school system and they eat meals there, they’re eating utter garbage. I have a friend who works the cafeteria at a local elementary school. He counted up the calories on the breakfast they were serving: 1,900 calories! Plus, there was a long list of chemicals on the packaging. White bleached flour, partially-hydrogenated oils, lots and lots of sugar, high-fructose corn syrup… he told me the list was horrifying.
Then teachers wonder why children can’t pay attention in class. And drugs are prescribed for ADD.
/Soapbox Mode Engaged/
Why not quit feeding children garbage and sugar? My own journey into healthy eating came from the observation that I felt lousy when I consumed sugar… so I stopped. I later found out that wheat messed me up, so I quit that too.
With children, it’s your job as a parent to help them eat healthily. Don’t buy junk and keep it in the house. Homeschool if at all possible. Plan ahead so McDonald’s isn’t a temptation as a “convenient” option.
Obesity is a major killer. Don’t set your children up for failure – and don’t set yourself up for failure!

Image via
Stop. Eating. Crap.
/Soapbox Mode Disengaged/
Most of our modern food is lifeless, factory-produced stuff filled with dyes, preservatives and plastic-like oils.
It’s up to you to fight it. The best way, in my opinion, is to grow high-quality and nutrient-dense food in your own backyard.
Say Goodbye to Fake and Hello to Health
The food you grow will be higher quality than anything you’ll buy in a drive-thru.
As spring approaches, it’s time to think about planting fruit and nut trees, berries and perennial vegetables in your yard and landscaping.
I’ve got a great list of gardening books that will get you started.
Then, plan out a vegetable garden. What do you like to eat? What healthy veggies are too expensive for you to eat regularly? Asparagus? Beets? Kohlrabi? Salad greens? Herbs?
Get planning! Get planting!
I like to grow lots of kale and cabbages, since I like both of those and they taste better from my garden than from the store. I also love beets, homegrown carrots, fresh basil and cucumbers.
The value of the organic produce I pull from my gardens more than pays for the time involved.
And, as has been said, you can’t put a price on health. Every time you eat a Big Mac or a box of Oreos, you’re eating away at your health just as surely as if you smoked a pack of cigarettes.

Just say no. (Photo credit)
Say goodbye to fake and hello to health. Grow your own food.
I’ll help you.
Ask any questions you like on this site and I’ll do my best to answer them. My mission is to get you growing and I want to see you healthy.
You don’t have to have a flabby waist and food-related digestion issues.
You don’t need to look at yourself in the mirror and sigh.
You don’t have to feel lousy all the time.
The start to looking your very best and feeling great starts with discipline in your food choices.
Throw away all the junk in your house. I dare you. And say goodbye to McDonald’s FOREVER. No cheats, just say no.
Then get planning your awesome spring garden.
No food will make you immortal, but there’s really no reason to go before your time.
And of course, you can still eat hamburgers every once in a while. Just choose to make them at home from real, good ingredients.
You know, the kind of ingredients that bacteria and fungi can break down.
Because when even mold doesn’t want to eat a burger, you shouldn’t either!
*Credit for lead image Dynamosquito.
One of your best posts ever.
I’m still always surprised when I realize people eat junk food. It seems so obvious that we shouldn’t eat food that contains non-food ingredients. I mean the occasional indulgence when doing as the Romans do is one thing, but to buy the stuff and keep it in your house is entirely different. I think of it as creating a food environment. It’s often difficult to get good food on the fly in town, but the stuff we buy and keep on hand or grow or process ourselves is a real choice. I eat more or less instinctively. If I build a food environment consisting of quality food, then that is what I’ll eat. If there is junk available I’ll end up eating junk. So that is the base to me. I basically don’t buy anything with any preservatives, artificial dyes or anything that is obviously not food. I also very rarely buy anything with corn syrup, though I’m not absolutely strict if there is a tiny bit as a minor ingredient or something.
People should be aware though that there is another unhealthy, very real and growing extreme, orthorexia. I’ve been there and it’s a very un-fun place to be. Orthorexia is the unhealthy fear of food that is perceived to be unhealthy. Like a lot of neuroses and behavioral conditions, it’s basically judged to be pathological when it affects your life negatively. If someone is starving for “health” reasons, they are often applauded, while if it’s to lose weight we call it anorexia, but there is little difference if the result is the same. Usually it’s from consuming a ton of diet related information, adopting a diet ideology and then overthinking food choices to the point of developing anxieties about food and eating more cerebrally than by instinct. We are not smart enough to outguess our bodies and what they need. We are made to run without huge amounts of information about what to eat. To make almost all of our food choices based on information is dangerous. Besides, no one agrees anyway.
As far as calories and the obesity issue goes, body composition has more to do with physiology than it does with calories in/calories out or eating or eliminating some specific food or macronutrient. It’s definitely not just the food, we are also changing in how we react to our environment and food in very dangerous ways. We all know people who can eat anything in any quantity and not gain body fat. In fact, many of us have been that person, when we were a kid if nothing else. I used to have very low body fat. Then I lost weight to the point of being emaciated (125 pounds for a 5′ 10″ male!) while eating 3 square meals a day and never losing my appetite AND having an extremely slow metabolism! (temps from 96 down to 95 f) When I used food to fix that by pigging out, my temperature went up to normal and over (frequent spikes into the 99s) but I gained a bunch of body fat. None of that ads up. That fat has mostly melted off while eating whatever I want, whenever I want, and with carbohydrates and sugars as a staple. I ate 3 pints of ice cream in 24 hours the other day. Why? because I was depleted and my body wanted it to catch up. Think ice cream is junk food? It is very nutritious actually and a very close match to mothers breast milk, which is very high in carbohydrate. Is that junk food? Some people think so, but I’d say something that can grow baby animals into big animals is just power food. Sometimes you need power food, sometimes you need a salad. People should be very cautious about adopting food ideologies. They are rampant, dangerous and often illogical. They call people health nuts for a reason! Start by not buying things with non-food and very highly processed ingredients like corn syrup. By creating a food environment that is composed of real food, you are pretty much there. And yeah, get growing! Industrially produced food is just not the best, no matter what. Even buying organic is not at all the same as producing your own.
Great post Dude, and great idea. I think you may have inspired me to write my food environment post. It’s been brewing in my brain for a while.
You make some very good points.
I have encountered one other “orthorexic” other than you. She wouldn’t eat anything but raw foods, with no meat, dairy, eggs or non-vegetable items. And only one thing at a time, per meal. She was convinced that was the only way to go. Pretty and thin, but her hair was thin and her back and neck hurt all the time. Plus, she wasn’t even strong enough to pick up and play with a toddler. Scary.
The other extreme is by far the most common though: people just not giving a rip about what they put in their mouth.
Ice cream should be served via huge nipples. ACTUALLY – maybe that’s why I like those soft-serve machines! Reminds me of infancy!
Very interesting ideas floating around here. Personally I eat mostly organic and vegan but occasionally eat meat or dairy if its organic/raised without hormones etc as far as you can believe labels that is…no red meats really at all though as its rather expensive but I do love them taste wise. All in all my main food ideology is simply this. If man hasn’t messed with it on the microscopic level and it doesn’t have what I’d deem as unnecessary ingredients… synthetic dyes, flavors, preservatives, etc than its good to go. However I do intentionally avoid corn, soy, and other high probability GMO plant ingredients and other “natural” baddies like palm oil if possible. I do occasionally let those things slide but as little as possible. I don’t have to get as extreme as the “symptometry” or “root cause diet” though its intriguing. I hate even mentioning those concepts to new peoples as I feel though its good that it promotes a non realistic perfect diet and our world is simply not gonna comply by and large with its guidelines. Also that diet science demonizes raw foods and most everything for that matter. I agree oranges carry enough citric acid to chelate more minerals than its worth absorbing the vitamins oranges have but seriously an orange here and there will never lead to “bad” health. Read between the lines sometimes and don’t get too extreme!
Very good post! My diet is primarily meat and meat based soups an stews, and milk an dairy products. It is mostly obtained from animals grown here at home. Since I have ditched the typical grocery store diet I have lost about 20# and feel much better. An the weight needed to go and left without trying. I also have lots of edible landscaping and I try to eat everything or feed it so eventually it feeds me… I do buy a good bit of feed and it is not non gmo or organic but working toward planting more for the goats chickens an pigs can eat. My feed bill is around $300 a month (also have a horse) an my grocery bill is about $80 a month. About 15 years ago I moved to a friends ranch that had a couple hundred acres and about 30-40 cows. He would go to the bread stores and buy all the expired stuff for $15 a pickup truck load. We would put it in 50 gal drums with screw on lids and I would spend an hour or so a day unwrapping twinkies, cinnamon buns, muffins, bagels, bread and buns of every type for the cows and was truly amazed at how well that stuff looked after cooking in 95-100* temps for sometimes months if I forgot one or got busy with other things….. That was an eye opening experience for me.
Sorry off topic, but I can’t get the Homegrown Food Summit pages to load right and was wondering if was just my computer or the site was wonky? I wanted to invite some people, but want to make sure it’s working right…
Turns out the zika virus identified 70 years ago doesn’t cause small heads, I was wondering they charities didn’t pimp small headed babies like they did kids with limbs cut off.
If you think you have it bad I seem to be one of only 5 gays in the US that doesn’t believe gays should not replace using condoms with taking Truvada PrEP. Other than the fact its hard on the liver & kidneys & its not entirely guaranteed effective (only prevents AIDS not other STDs)even if doses are taken correctly, it also costs over $1500 for a months supply per person(making it more expensive than Sandra Fluke). Now of course there are free government clinics that hand it out to anyone who can pass the liver and kidney tests and guys with insurance will complain about $300 co pays as they raise everyone else’s rates. Telling people that if they want to be gay 10 years from now they will need their liver and kidneys doesn’t even trigger the concept of consequences.
On top of that there is all the dancing on Scalia’s grave, Trump should include that in one of his ADS.
Dude, you’re really hyper. What does this have to do with hamburgers and eating healthy?
Sorry all the leftists dancing on Scalia’s grave & me getting flack for coming out against Truvada being handed out like candy at taxpayers expense has been bothersome.
They are both consumption of toxins related. People are willing to take drugs that are harder on their liver & kidneys than fast food, when there is a more effective cheaper drug free alternative even at Sandra Fluke levels. The Zika story is pesticides in the food/water supply causing the microcephaly, which had not been seen before in Zika, also as bad as fast food. Medicine has advanced from making quinine & aspirin from tree bark but it still consumption. The tomato belongs to the same night shade family as poisonous plants.
“Because when even mold doesn’t want to eat a burger, you shouldn’t either!” Classic, David! Kudos on the article. Well written. Stevie Jay
Thanks, brother. It’s been a long time – so glad you stopped by.
[…] 1. Hamburger Recipe that Slows Down Aging […]
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