For some reason, I keep posting my goals here each year and then not meeting all of them. It’s a tradition, so we’re stuck with it now.
As I wrote in my last post, I met 2 out of the 5 main goals I set last year, along with a couple of secondary ones.
Life has a way of rearranging things.
As James says:
“Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.”
Yes, if the Lord wills we meet our goals. And we do our best, knowing that our lives can be changed in an instant. I had no idea two years ago that I would end up failing to build my house in the tropics and be dropped in the state of Alabama.
Two years ago I was planning to build a house on this slab we paid to have cast:
And I was planting bananas alongside the little cabin I’d built:
That all came to nothing with the great plandemic pandemic of 2020.
So, with that in mind, I will say “Lord willing!” on this list and we’ll see how things pan out.
Here are my goals for 2022.
I. Create A New Weighing Station and Start Logging Yields Again
I miss my old chalkboard setup, and tracking my yields like I used to.
Like I did from 2012-2015.
I even managed to track yields for a few years in Grenada:
I really just need a good place for a scale, a nice big basket, a table and a chalkboard.
That needs to get fixed ASAP! I just harvested some turnips that need weighing!
II. Plant Two Acres of Pumpkins to Breed a Landrace
Last year we did great on pumpkins, planting seeds I had gotten from a Walmart pumpkin at the end of 2020. That gave us a wide selection of strange Curcurbita maxima vines, many of which bore well. I also interplanted a bunch of Seminole pumpkin seed lines, including seeds from Mark Akin, Karen Hill and others.

2021 Maximas and Moschatas
I hope to have one acre for the C. maximas and another for the C. moschatas. I may grow them with no irrigation and no fertilizer, just to see if we can breed a pumpkin super race.
III. Start a Corn Landrace
I don’t like the so-so yields of grain corn I’m getting, and I don’t like the low productivity of my Hickory King corn. So, like the pumpkins, I plan to intermix a bunch of dent corns and then select the best survivors.
Maybe we’ll do an acre of corn, just like the pumpkins, and may the best genes win.
IV. Make a Second Chicken Coop in the Garden
I like the idea of putting chickens in tractors, but it’s really getting time-consuming to move them around. Keeping them in one spot is easier and I think the best spot for a new chicken coop is in the middle of the gardens where they can eat overflow produce and weeds.
We can also harvest chicken run dirt/compost for the garden with minimal handling, as well as feeding scraps and culled vegetables right to the birds.
V. Hit 250,000 Subscribers on YouTube
In 2021 I added 41,832 subscribers to the channel.
Right now my subscriber count is 154,020.
I think we can hit 250k, especially if I keep posting 5 videos per week.
VI: Release Four New Books
The second edition of Create Your Own Florida Food Forest is just waiting on my layout guy, so that should be out within a couple of months.
I have also almost finished the text of The South Florida Gardening Survival Guide and am waiting on the final illustrations.
Noah Sanders has agreed to help me with Alabama Survival Gardening, and I hope to work on that after TSFGSG is done. Then, if I am really ambitious, I will write a final book in the fall. I have ideas for a foraging guide and a book on Minimalist Gardening. In 2021 my “surprise” book was Grocery Row Gardening, as that almost wrote itself as I got inspired by the idea.
I would also like to finish a science fiction novel I’ve been working on, as well as start on Jack Broccoli III (Slow to Bolt).
And, along with all that, I expect more books from John Moody and Steve Solomon will be published by Good Books Publishing in 2022.
VII: Put in (at least) Two More Grocery Row Gardens
I have a bunch of trees that need to get planted. Since it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to afford our own homestead any time soon, I’ll keep renting here and I’ll just go ahead and plant trees. If the Lord decides to send us a few acres we can own and plant long-term trees on, I won’t complain, but He is good and already takes care of us much more than we deserve. For now, I want to keep expanding the Grocery Row Gardens with a medicinal herb row and with more space for birds, frogs and other beneficials.
I love how the rows grew in 2021 and must plant more!
VIII: Post Every Weekday on This Blog
As my YouTube channel has grown, this blog has suffered. And really, I miss posting here every weekday. I’m going to get back on that schedule in 2022. I like being on my own platform and having a great archive of gardening thoughts and photos I can look back on, rather than having everything in video form on someone else’s platform.
Also, I will keep going to the gym regularly and pushing myself to stay in good shape. It would be nice to be SUPER SWOLE.
But I think that’s enough for one year.
What about you? Any goals for 2022?
I have project allium overload going and I need to keep that weeded adequately and well taken care of for it to be successful. A specific goal is to learn bud grafting because I don’t think I can graft cherries here otherwise and I have some cherry root suckers growing (and I can’t say no to a free fruit tree or four). I’m going to try rutabagas and turnips again this year. The trick is to stay ahead of the root maggots and harvest them on time otherwise they bore all the way around and through. It’s pretty gross and annoying to keep only a tiny part of each one and keep washing the knife of a bazillion times because I keep cutting through maggots.
I do have an interesting seedling apple that has red leaves that I want to get bigger. Who knows how the fruit will be, but it’s pretty enough it might be a nice ornamental (super bonus if the fruit is good). So a goal is to take care of my seedlings and transplant some of them to give them more space.
The nebulous goal of growing more food and buying less at the store is repeated again.
Another goal is to not let indecision keep things from getting done. I had some poor plants languishing in pots because I couldn’t decide where to put them.
XI: Two Escambias Reduced To One
I almost forgot. I want to erase a small section of the line between Florida and Alabama, DRAW a single line around Escamnia County, Alabama, and Escambia County, Florida, and turn them into the 51st STATE OF ESCAMBIA!!
that’s………… Escambia County, AL.
I approve.
X-posted: New Year goals:
Plant at least one crop that we get to eat more of than do the critters.
Get the overgrown bits of the yard cleared & mulched.
Make a Curcurbita-based fight club comuc.
I plan to grow more, finish my compost bins, open more ground, plant my three year old pawpaw trees in the ground, tame the other one and a half acres, finish eradicating the cogon grass, build an outdoor food processing area with a sink, make a leant-to or something for my firewood.
If the Lord wills it…I may,
1. Love my family, friends more and try to be a better example. Make a few more real friends and be a blessing to them.
2. Plant more fruit trees. I have two of each fig,mulberry and chestnut trees that need to find a home. I started some bing cherry trees from seed and Celeste figs from cutting(Thanks Papa Pepper ️).
3. Start building a trellis for 6 muscadine vines and plant said vines. See Herrick Kimball’s trellis system in his Idea book for gardeners, he is genius. Modify sprinkler system to water the vines. Water timers are helpful for cripple people and hoses cause pain.
4. Make progress on manual/semi auto seeder idea I’ve had bouncing around in my head. It maybe cheaper to buy an already built manual seeder(Planet Jr, Jang, hoss,etc). Anyone have any suggestions for seeders they use currently?
5. Learn more about farm birds, expand the flock and improve my bird setup to help with my garden plot.
David I believe you were a little to hard on yourself. You/Rachel and the Good tribe have built a garden and homestead to be proud of in less than two years, delivered your family from “Egypt” during a “plague”, started your own publishing house, create a great vlog and YT channel that has helped thousands, wrote more books, loved your family and had a beautiful little girl.
Just wow… so many blessings. Thank y’all for being a blessing to me and mine.
David, I’ve seen plans for chicken coops that have two (or more) large pens; these are rotated, having chickens in them one year, and garden the next (or different rotations if more than two pens). Is that something you might be able to make work?
Wow, you have a lot of goals for 2022. Mine are simple. #1 Spend more time reading my Bible #2 Start saving seeds. #3 Plant something new-this year I’m going to try elderberries. #4 get more exercise, especially walking and #5 HAVE FUN!
These are all good!
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