I never heard of tonka beans until last week when a farmer shared some with me.
Now I’m amazed by them.
The aroma, the flavor… heavenly.
There’s one problem: in the US, tonka beans are illegal!
Ah… the land of the free!
In yesterday’s video I share more on the deliciously illegal tonka bean… and Rachel crashes my presentation:
The reason tonka beans are illegal is because of outdated research on one compound in the beans: courmarin.
According to a quite entertaining post by Ike Delorenzo at The Atlantic:
“The fear of coumarin in the U.S. stems from the oft-repeated saw that it is a blood thinner. It’s not. Coumadin® is the blood thinner trademarked by Bristol-Meyers Squibb. To make matters more confusing, Coumadin is made, in part, by changing the chemical structure of coumarin. Doctors who spoke with me (and who were terrified of being quoted) said there they’re aware of no anti-coagulant effect from naturally occurring coumarin in general, or tonka beans in particular. In nature, only certain rare decomposition fungi can convert coumarin to the anti-coagulant molecule. Cows grazing on (pounds of) such rotting sweet clover led to the discovery of the Coumadin drug.
Uses for Tonka Bean Trees (Dipteryx odorata)

Ah America, land of the free, home of the brave, greatest country on the face of the earth. Until, it turns to a complete nanny state, because bureaucrats, who have done nothing in life, but live off the hardwork of others, have college educations and know what’s good for you, because it feels right, aka it gets them political donations. (Tax free)
You guys are funny together. I love the segway, to cutting your head off. What’s in those Tonka Beans! ;)
Thanks, Chris. I like to make fun of my own cinematic failures.
Did the tonka beans grow?
pics please! familiar with the ‘bean’ and its beyond lovely smell. however, do the flowers produce scent?
I am not sure – I have not seen a tree in bloom.
Hay, some nurserys us these wild georgia plum trees for understock for other trees by grafting. What would be a good use for these as i keep having to dig them up. They grow from the root, an produce these little redish yellow plums. Lots of them fall before ripping do to rain an wind here in Fl.
Ps..waiting for a bean.
I want to plant Tonka now! I ADORE it in perfume. I’m off to investigate . . .
where can u get them.
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