Every April Fools Day I pull a stunt here… I’ve done it since this blog started and before I had a ton of readers.
Every April 1st I also lose a few dozen readers who don’t realize I’m pulling a prank.
When they saw me replace this site with the fake fashion site Le Bon Fashionista and a bunch of stupid glamor photos of myself as “Dav LeBon,” multiple people wrote and left messages either thinking this site was hacked or that they had somehow subscribed to the wrong guy.
Patricia and Jim, for instance, left a pair of comments:
Once a year, you will get something crazy from me. It’s guaranteed.
If you got caught in the joke – don’t feel bad. My own mom wrote me early this morning with a concerned email wondering if my site had gotten hacked. Like many of you, she subscribes via email and had only seen the silly titles of the posts… and not the photos that went with them.
When I called her today to tell her that I hadn’t gotten hacked, she told me told me I’d been playing practical jokes since preschool… and that she was STILL falling for them.
In my class back then they would give the children that behaved well a sticker. I caused some trouble on multiple occasions, so she was starting to worry and would ask each afternoon when she picked me up from school if I had gotten a sticker.
One day she picked me up from pre-school and asked “Did you get a sticker?”
I shook my head.
Mom said she was getting rather upset… worrying if I was really being a problem in class and if she was going to have to sit down with my teacher or the principal again…
…until I rolled up my sleeve and showed her multiple stickers all over my arm where I had hidden them.
Yeah, I’m still at it.
I also (with the help of my wife and a pro radio announcer friend) trolled my YouTube channel, if that makes you feel better:
Thanks for sticking around and hanging out here. I’ll be back next week with more good gardening stuff… and until then, have a great weekend.
-David The Good
David. Great April fools joke! Found those e mails in my in box and sent them all to unsubscribe. Didn’t even open them thought I was being hacked!! Took them all out today. Great humor!!! Everybody is to uptight even me…. Hey, write more about edible fl mushrooms and bees
Thanks for your great blog
Jim Kroc
I knew it was a stupid stunt when I pulled it… but April Fools compelled me. Thanks for the very nice comment.
Hey – if you like bees, you’re going t love what I’m working on now. I’m not great at beekeeping but I have a friend who is. We’re within a week of finishing a book on beekeeping in the south with a focus on Florida. I’m psyched. I had the writing chops, he has the knowledge. Will keep you posted and thanks for not giving up on me despite my obnoxious humor.
Dang it you removed the Dav Lebon connection to “Butch” CohenGoldStienHeim”, I was going to post a link to it on VD.
Great one!! here is one to try with the kids.
Make up a bowl of cereal, any dry cereal, add the milk, put the spoon into it so they have a handle, then freeze it overnight. serve it up in the morning. Great for the kids.
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