paradise and said, “I think we can do this better than God.” And so Big
Ag made a factory farmer.
Big Ag said, “We need controllable illegal labor. Strong enough to pick up 100lbs of dead chickens from the floor every morning, yet gentle enough to castrate a piglet without anesthesia. Some poor Pedro or Miguel to spray ammonia on tainted meat, feed afterbirths into the incinerator, come home ill from chemicals, dust and manure and have to wait for dinner until his wife is done cleaning the home of some lawyer in town under the table while she’s praying her husband’s not sent back across the border by us.”
So, Big Ag made a factory farmer.
Big Ag said “We need folks that can dress in hazmat suits and eliminate every scrap of greenery from a million acres, cull sub-par and sick animals and feed them back to their former stallmates. And… who, every season, will create massive amounts of toxic run-off from manure, antibiotics, herbicide, pesticide and various other poisons that will stick around for centuries. Then, as if that’s not enough, we’ll have ’em destroy millennia of careful plant breeding by introducing GMOs that will spread their hacked genes across the land.”
So, Big Ag made a factory farmer.
But… but… Mr. Survival Gardener. Why do you hate America? WHY???
Well done!
How fortunate for Big Ag that factory farmers do not think.
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