An illegal front yard garden? It sounds insane… I mean, people would rather see grass… than see food?
Right now, this fellow is facing $130,000 in accumulated fines for his front yard garden:
People just don’t “get” what folks like Sean are doing.
Neat grass and landscaping may make people feel nice, but it isn’t good for the environment.
It’s time for us to wage war on lawns. Whether it’s through the Fukuoka method, or edible landscaping, or Patriot Gardens… it needs to happen.
Update: Sean Law talks about his illegal front yard garden
I still can’t believe there’s such a thing as an illegal garden…
Related posts:
Orlando Gardener Fights to Keep His Front-yard Garden
Orlando News 13 Picks Up the Helvenston Garden Story
Helvenston garden fight goes to Orlando's City Hall on Tuesday
Video Interview with Jason and Jennifer Helvenston - the Orlando "Illegal" Front-yard Gardeners
Orlando's Illegal Gardeners Share More Info
Hopefully the Orlando precedent will help him achieve a favorable outcome.
Termites are our friends?! Did he really say that? Whats next? Tobacco use is "no big deal"? Plant citrus in the middle of a greening epidemic?
My paradigm didn't just shift
It toppled and fell off a cliff
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