I planted my first three sisters garden this year and have been posting videos as the project continues:
After seeing my videos, Yolanda shared a picture of a three sisters garden she created:
Hers looks nicer than mine.
I planted the corn twice only to have the seeds fail to emerge. Too old. So I bought more corn seed and planted that and it came up. Then I planted the 7 Hubbard squash seeds I had. Four emerged. Vine borers almost killed two of those, but the remaining ones look okay. Once the corn was starting to get tall, I planted beans at the base of each stalk. I did this three times, as the beans kept emerging and then getting eaten. It’s ridiculous, and it doesn’t look like we’ll get more than a few bean pods if we’re lucky.
Fortunately, the corn is doing well and I do think we’ll get some pumpkins. I might have to switch varieties around. The local corn does well but the local beans keep failing. The local pumpkins do better than the Hubbards but I really, really want Hubbards. Keeping my fingers crossed!
When planting your beans with the corn, try selecting Pole Beans instead go bush beans
instead of*** bush beans…correction
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