Kanapaha Plant Show Pt. II: 9AM – 5PM Sunday
Dave Taylor from Taylor Gardens Nursery and I had a great day today at Kanapaha.
It was great seeing the many of you that decided to stop in and say hi. I love meeting people in person that I’ve only spoken with via this blog (hey, Ivy Mae!).
Admission to Kanapaha is usually a few dollars per person… but for this weekend, it’s free!

I’ll be back Sunday afternoon after my family and I leave our church (which is right down the road.)
As for the show, here’s the write-up from Kanapaha:
Fall Plant Sale, Open House, and Orchid Show: October 25 & 26 (9am – 5pm) 2014*
Each October, Kanapaha Botanical Gardens holds an Open House & Fall Plant Sale, inviting visitors to see the facility ADMISSION FREE. Kanapaha Botanical Gardens formally opened to the public in October of 1987 and the Open House is a means of celebrating our ‘birthday.’ In addition to viewing the botanical gardens, approximately 40 booths will be set up selling a wide variety of plants. The American Orchid Society’s judged orchid show will coincide with the Fall Plant Sale and will take place inside Kanapaha’s entrance building. Pets are not allowed at these festivals.
The Taylors have a LOT of good nitrogen-fixing and insectary plants at their booth, and we’ll also be bringing fruit and nut trees, plus rare perennial edibles to the show.
Come check out our great plants – look for Taylor Gardens Nursery!
Directions to Kanapaha are here.
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Hey right back! I am looking forward to haggling with my dad over who gets to plant our new trees in the few remaining sunny spots on the property, heh heh. By the way, my 5 year old told me you are "so cool."
-Ivy Mae
Your son is remarkably observant for one so young. Have fun planting – hope to run into you again in the future. Stop by church at some point and I'll introduce you to everyone.
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