I note that it also has a squirrel recipe, including instructions on skinning one. I wish I had read that before I pegged one of my garden-varmints the other day and skinned and roasted it. Wife and older daughter: totally grossed out. Son and younger daughter: "Mmm… the best meat EVER!"
But yeah, skinning a squirrel the hard way takes about a half hour. Gonna try the bootsteppin' method next time.
1 comment
You know, The Joy of Cooking has a possum recipe.
I note that it also has a squirrel recipe, including instructions on skinning one. I wish I had read that before I pegged one of my garden-varmints the other day and skinned and roasted it. Wife and older daughter: totally grossed out. Son and younger daughter: "Mmm… the best meat EVER!"
But yeah, skinning a squirrel the hard way takes about a half hour. Gonna try the bootsteppin' method next time.
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