Stephen of Volusia County Prepping added three of my books to his “Prepper’s Top 20” list:
“These are the Top Twenty (+/-) choices that members of Volusia County Prepping have found and recommend. Most are generic, but some are geared specifically for this area.
Where can you find these? Amazon is the source that most people think of. Another great source is ABE Books. ABE Books is where you’ll find deals on used books from sellers around the world. Used books are a great way to build a library at minimal cost.
Stephen’s list:
Seed to Seed
Suzanne Ashworth
Seed saving and growing techniques for vegetable gardeners. This is a wealth of information in an easy-to-use format without the fluff of some books. I’m constantly amazed at the new things I learn from this book.
Grow or Die
David The Good
The Good Guide to Survival Gardening
Compost Everything
David The Good
The Good Guide to Extreme Composting
Totally Crazy Easy Florida Gardening
David The Good
The Secret to growing Piles of Food in the Sunshine State
The Resilient Gardner
Carol Deppe
Food Production and Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times
Making the Best of Basics
James Talmage Stevens
Family Preparedness Handbook
Amaranth to Zai Holes
Laura S. Meitzner and Martin L. Price
Ideas for Growing Food Under Difficult Conditions
Published by ECHO – a training and demonstration farm for missionaries. Located in North Fort Myers, FL
It’s a good list, and there are more good suggestions on the page.