Cogon grass. Image from http://everettj.people.cofc.edu/cogongrass.html
I have a problem with cogon grass creeping into my yard from across the street. The stuff is one of our worst invasives and is very, very difficult to eradicate without chemical weedkillers. The rhizomes tunnel beneath the ground and easily pierce through cardboard, mulch, plastic, etc. Thanks to those rhizomes, new tufts of grass will also pop up as far as 15′ from a previous clump of grass.
However, when life gives you lemons… you know what they say. Make…
Cogon Grass Paper!
Cogon grass paper. Now that’s clever. I’ll bet it would look great in just its natural color.
Maybe I could paint a series of invasive plant pictures on cogon grass paper… hmm…
Wonder if it can be used as livestock feed. We have quack grass here which requires diligence to eliminate since it doesn't have a place in the garden. However, turns out it has more protein than alfalfa.
Good work on figuring out a use for quack grass.
Most animals just don't like cogon grass, unfortunately.
UF states:
"In southeast Asia, cogongrass has been used as a forage because it is the dominant vegetation on more than 300 million acres. In these areas, it was found that only very young shoots–which lack the sharp points and razor-like leaf margins–should be grazed or cut for hay.
Cogongrass yields are relatively low–even under heavy fertilization–and usually do not exceed five tons per acre. The plants rarely attain the minimal level of crude protein (7%) needed to sustain cattle. Furthermore, the nitrogen, phosphorus, and energy content of cogongrass are very low, requiring supplementation for livestock."
It makes fantastic mulch/bedding actually, ok for thatch and is very good for arts and crafts type things … but I'd be a lot happier if we didn't have it.
P.S. These ladies are hardcore … mixing chlorine with their bare hands …
"I'd be a lot happier if we didn't have it."
Me too, for sure.
And yeah… I winced when I saw her sprinkling on the chlorine.
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