To celebrate the release of Push the Zone, I’ve knocked the kindle price of Create Your Own Florida Food Forest down to $0.99 for today and tomorrow.
If you don’t own this little booklet yet and you live in Florida, pick up a copy while it’s cheap.
It’s worth full price just for the gardening cheat sheet of trees and vegetables in the back.
I grew up in Jamaica and ackee is only poisonous if you eat it BEFORE it opens naturally: when it’s not quite ripe. ONLY the yellow, brain-looking parts are edible, not the seeds, and no part of the membrane or pod is safe. To be safe, boil the yellow parts first and discard the water, like you do with cassava.
Here’s some more information
I do understand your reluctance because jicama & cassava both scare me!
Thanks a bunch, Cara. Cassava doesn’t scare me… and I just picked some ackee today… I think I’m gonna do it.
Please let me know how you cooked it and if you liked it. I’m in Ft Lauderdale & there are trees around, but I’ve never got up the nerve to cook it myself!
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