Jessica comments on this post:
“Thank you! This is very vindicating. My dad argues that my garden’s curled leaves and stunted growth can’t be the Grazon that he put down like 5 years ago, but it only happens in the beds with composted manure from the barn. Is there any way to get the pesticide to break down faster? I can’t just abandon 100 years of manure in a 1000 square foot barn. “
I wrote back:
“It’s definitely the manure. Grazon is nasty and doesn’t generally break down much unless it’s tilled into the soil, then it still takes a long time. You could use it to feed grass, grains or your corn – it won’t hurt members of the grass family.”
She could also just throw it out in a field, but if the cows are eating it, it will cycle back through the manure.
Sheesh, I hate this stuff.