My iMac died two weeks ago so I switched to using my MacBook for all my writing and posting. Yesterday, the screen started to die on it. This is crazy, as it’s only a couple of years old. I think it’s the heat and humidity here. Electronics fail fast. I can barely read anything on the screen now, as its blinking and looks like mud, with lots of overlapping windows and text.
I’m going to go into town and see if I can get some help today. There isn’t a local Apple store but one of the techs at the computer shop might have an idea what’s going on. If that doesn’t work, I’m buying a new computer. Wish me luck. I’ll be back to posting soon.
It may be the power grid has a lots of voltage spikes and sags that may be frying your electronics.
It’s been pretty stable. Better than North Florida, actually. But the humidity is amazing.
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