Hayley tells me I am an inspiration and sends these pictures:
So much life – YOU are an inspiration, Hayley!
If your yard looks like you’re an insane plant hoarder, you’re doing it right. Imagine all the butterflies and bees that must be visiting her yard. If it looks this good and productive now, wait until those trees really start going.
Great work.
Incidentally, I am still working on my new version of Create Your Own Florida Food Forest. It’s just taking longer than expected because I’m gardening and filming again. There are only so many hours in each day. I will make it eventually and it will be great. Maybe almost as great as Hayley’s garden.
Related posts:
One Full Year Of Florida Survival Gardening! August 30, 2012 to August 30, 2013
Improve Your Food Forest Density
The Great South Florida Food Forest Project: July 2013 update (Pt. II)
Establishing a Food Forest in Existing Woods
Low-Maintenance Landscape Plants for South Florida: Look for Edibles First!
I’m looking forward to that next edition. And wishing my start at a food forest looked like Hayley’s!
You’re rockin it Hayley.
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